Editions Archives: January 2014

Deirdre Waldron


MANAGING WELL BUOYED BY HER DUNNES STORES, GREEN ISLE AND ELECTRIC IRELAND WINS, CAWLEY NEA\TBWA’S DEIRDRE WALDRON TELLS MICHAEL CULLEN WHY SHE IS UPBEAT Cawley Nea\TBWA’s Deirdre Waldron personifies today’s go-ahead agency boss. Dressed in smart but comfy attire, complete with trendy runners, she has a cheery but business-like demeanour. As with Lucinda Creighton, Waldron, […]

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Ian McShane


TV FACES NEW TEST IAN MCSHANE SAYS CONSUMERS NOW ENGAGE WITH CONVERGED MEDIA AND TV MUST RELAY CONTENT IN LINE WITH NEW MARKET DEMANDS When I first began working in TV research 20 years ago, the medium was king. The Late Late Show regularly produced all adult TVRs of between 25 to 30 and World […]

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Colm Carey


TOO MUCH INFORMATION COLM CAREY ON WHY BIG DATA RELIES ON CONSUMER CO-OPERATION The big thing these days it seems is big data. You can’t shake a stick but Big Data falls from somewhere. Some people are in love with big data, others live in fear of it. You either see it as the greatest […]

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