Word spreads about viral influence Dr Margaret-Anne Lawlor writes about how viral marketing is imposing its presence A recent promotion in the UK drew attention to an intriguing integrated campaign where a promotion and its dissemination by way of direct marketing generated huge publicity. The customer reward promotion for Threshers off-licences was an online voucher […]
Editions Archives: March 2007
TV3 continues to look abroad for shows, Channel 6 takes to Sky
TV3 continues to look abroad for shows, Channel 6 takes to Sky The new owners of TV3 plan to significantly increase home-grown programming but it was unrealistic to suggest they will be doubling or trebling its Irish content as the station remains committed to showing the type of programmes which best suit its audience, TV3 […]

Reality check
Reality check James Dunne writes about digital marketing and shifting strategies When we refer to change, we grope for quotes, sound bytes, cultural artefacts to encapsulate the scale and size what we are dealing with. We evoke Bob Dylan lyrics. We channel the poetry of Yeats. It sets our articles dealing with change up nicely, […]
Partial to glitz
Partial to glitz Michael Cullen profiles Social & Personal editor/publisher, PJ Gibbons The typed article with the author's byline lay on the blue carpet near the window in the publisher's top floor office overlooking South Frederick Street and the green campus of TCD across the way. The article in question was headed: Purgatory by PJ […]