Caroline Donnellan, director of brand and marketing, Sky Ireland, was unveiled as this year’s Marketer of the Year winner at a lunch in Fire restaurant attended by some of the industry’s top marketers. Donnellan was selected for her achievements in spearheading a new strategy for Sky which saw a global brand with close ties to […]
Editions Archives: November 2023
Why ads high on emotion work best
Fiona Field argues strongly in favour of advertisers that engage consumers’ hearts when trying to entice them to buy brands There are moments when you know a campaign has hit the jackpot. One evening, I got a message on the family WhatsApp group and the picture that greeted me was of my father-in-law at the […]
Van Belleghem on ChatGPT’s importance
Steven Van Belleghem considers the impact ChatGPT may have on customer experience as people come to rely on it more and more It is hard to deny that TikTok has been one of the business success stories of the last few years. One of the main factors behind that success is undoubtedly its interface: it […]