A fiery hustler Michael Cullen profiles Sir Alan Sugar, the Hackney barrow-boy made good It should be interesting to watch guests' body language when Sir Alan Sugar walks up to the podium at the Marketing Society Christmas lunch in early December. Will the festive banquet take on the atmosphere of a school assembly awaiting instructions […]
Editions Archives: October 2008
Figuring out speech
Figuring out speech Colm Carey reviews a book on how marketing metaphors actually translate The metaphors we use when talking reveal much in how we relate to the world around us. By listening to the way people speak about their needs and the products and brands they use, we can identify deep insights which help […]
Crap, TV3 and Dev
Crap, TV3 and Dev Frank Corr kicks off a new column in which he takes a whimsical glance at Irish media Irish Times columnist Michael Parsons has a talent for hackle-raising. Already this year, he has demanded that “the unworkable European Parliament” be shut down. He then encouraged readers to look for their art in […]
No more shamrocks?
No more shamrocks? Pat Kinsley explores the changing face of Irish identity What does it mean to be Irish? With Ireland's recent rejection of the European Union's Lisbon Treaty and the death of our much vaunted Celtic Tiger, this is a question that is harder and harder to answer. Are we in danger of losing […]