20 Questions with Bernie Keogh, A Lust For Life

Bernie Keogh is managing director of A Lust For Life, a charity which develops mental health educational programmes in primary and secondary schools. She is former managing director of Alternatives and worked in marketing roles at Irish Distillers on Jameson and L’Oreal in Paris. She is an executive coach operating under her own brand, We Love People, and is in her third year of training to become a psychotherapist in Turning Point Institute.

01 What was your earliest ambition?

To become a ballerina and then an actress

02 It’s our round. What are you having?

Depends on the occasion and weather. Champagne, Redbreast, G&T or Heineken

03 Social media platform of choice?


04 A mentor or someone who inspired you?

Sister Kathleen, principal of Loreto College in Bray, during my time there. She was kind, fiercely intelligent and had a twinkle in her eye. A fantastic leader. She believed in me and pulled me up

05 If you could be born into another time and place, where and when would it be?

As a woman, I’m not sure there are too many eras i would have enjoyed in the past, but if I had to pick one, it would be Paris during the 1930s mingling in cafes with great artists, writers and philosophers such as Sartre, De Beauvoir, Henry Miller and Dali
06 Favourite writers?

JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, William Finnegan, Harper Lee, Henry Miller, Ester Perel, Gabor Maté, Carl Rogers, Anne Enright, Katriona O’Sullivan – its more about the book than the author

07 A film you’d watch again tonight?
The Taste of Things starring Juliette Binoche and Benoit Magimel. Sumptuous

08 Is there an unsung hero you’d like to thank?

My parents Una and Thomas Keogh for their love and support, for gifting me a love of education without any pressure to achieve academically, other than do my best, which varied wildly depending on my level of interest

09 Something that no longer happens that you miss?

Lazy early evening sunbathing on a beach being lulled to sleep by the gently lapping water

10 How physically fit are you?

I’m highly active, rather than very fit. I play hockey, sail and sea swim all year round

11 Favourite ad?

Chanel No. 5 – Red Riding Hood and the Wolf – most iconic. Also love the Guinness Christmas and Surfer ads

12 What do you find most irritating in other people?

Anyone lacking a sense of humour

13 A brand to which you feel some loyalty?

Paloma Picasso, my perfume

14 Someone you might be starstruck to meet?

Three remarkable women… Katriona O’Sullivan, author of Poor, an uncompromising nuanced voice on poverty and its impact – such an important book. Madonna – for doing it her unique way always and never giving a damn. Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel
15 Something that recently brought a tear to your eye?

A dear friend who lost her daughter

16 Something that recently got your goat?

My husband lost his job and despite having paid hundreds and thousands of euros in taxes over the years was only entitled to basic social benefits for nine months and then completely cut off. It irks me to see such unfair treatment of the people who contribute the most from a tax perspective in this country. It needs to change

17 What would be your fantasy act of heroism?

Convincing the Government that investing in a long-term vision and plan for housing, health, education, critical jobs, sports, art and infrastructure. Trust in Irish people and communities is the best way to secure long term economic stability for this country

18 You’ve won Euromillions and goner missing. Where might we find you?

Circumnavigating the globe… very slowly

19 Someone or something that strikes you as beautiful?

Summer wildflowers in Ireland dancing in the breeze and sunshine

20 ‘Here lies Bernie Keogh’… Complete your epitaph…

“She was kind, a bit of craic and loved the ordinary-extraordinary”

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