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Research: Data aside, better get personal

In his Research File, Colm Carey writes on why big data shows scant regard for people Darren Harris is a double Paralympic athlete. He has a degree in mathematics and has studied psychology. In a talk on BBC Radio 4’s Forethought, Harris compares people and prime numbers. Both are unique and indivisible. Prime numbers are abstract, people […]

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MCCP Trend Juice

Planning: Why brands need closer ties

  Kathy Troy, senior planner at MCCP, on why brands must build strengths and get closer to today’s consumers  Having weathered tough economic times in recent years, Irish consumers now want practical but positive brand experiences to carry them into the future. In predicting trends set to impact on Irish business in 2015, Kathy Troy, […]

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Dove Real Beauty Ad

Time to plan: Kay McCarthy on the six musts for Irish marketers in 2015

The reality for marketers is more data, more specialised agencies at the table and more content to deliver to the ‘always on’ consumer. What is different now is the pace of change due to technology. Here are six ways for marketers to become change makers and leaders. 1 Rethink business models, not just use data […]

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Bord Gáis Carbon Monoxide by Rothco

Since you ask… Gary Disley of Eircom Business reviews some recent TV ads

The first ad I watched involved a pub, a banjo and some reasonably robust Irish signing.  No it wasn’t for Guinness or any other beverage that was trying to tempt us during the Christmas party season. Oh, no. The twist in this was that it included a canary that looked  and sang like Ronnie Drew. […]

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UTV Ireland On-Screen

Ulster says yes

MICHAEL CULLEN ON THE PROSPECTS FOR THE NEW TV CHANNEL, UTV IRELAND Surrounded by screens on three sides and what are said to be the latest in mod-cons for TV interviews, news anchors Alison Comyn (above) and Chris Donoghue rehearse with a report on President Higgins’s visit to China. The studio is part of a 16,500 […]

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Irish Rail TV Ad

Since you ask

Kenny Jacobs, chief marketing officer, Ryanair   Aldi – This is a very good ad about supporting local Irish producers. It has the right tone and tells the story through the local GAA team which doubles up their connecting with the community message. Low enough production values which is smart use of marketing spend. More […]

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Great Irish Reset 3

A return to basics

DIANE TANGNEY ON AN OGILVY STUDY WHICH POINTS TO PEOPLE POWER The dogs on the street knew what the Celtic Tiger meant. For them, it explained the fortuitous treats and canine pampering days that came their way. The Celtic Tiger term captured why things were they way they were in Ireland. We defined our nation […]

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Ray Kelly

SuperValu strategist voted top marketer

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John Fanning in Gleesons

Adland – Where all ads work

JOHN FANNING REVIEWS ADFX 2014 AND THE EMERGING TRENDS IAPI’s Advertising Effectiveness Awards for 2014 attracted a record number of entries which shows Irish agencies and their clients are taking return on advertising investment much more seriously. The growing corporate intolerance of the perceived lack of an ROI discipline which has traditionally characterised the marketing […]

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Shane Doyle, MCCP

New year, new vision

AS 2015 LOOMS, SHANE DOYLE SAYS MARKETERS NEED TO THINK IN A NEW WAY As we enter into the final quarter of the year, 2015 is coming into sharper focus. In readiness, brands need to ensure they focus in the right areas. While some of the issues we think are important are not brand new, […]

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As part of its ongoing recovery, Arnotts has a new loyalty card which Lou Conlon says is like no other available in Ireland

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Gary Disley, Eircom Business


It is widely recognised that B2B marketing is a certain discipline. Eircom’s Gary Disley on how B2B differs so much to B2C

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Cannes Lion


Publicis boss Padraig Burns on why he was impressed by what he experienced on attending his first ever Cannes Lions Festival

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