As teen movies dominate multiplex screens the future does not look bright for serious filmgoers
Articles Archive

Ads with oomph factor
John Fanning on why the latest book on Britain’s most effective ads is essential reading

Frozen Assets
Insight, excite. Irish International boss Ian Young spoke to Michael Cullen about where marketing ranks in business, the need for a pitch protocol and, of course, new efforts in putting the word out there about delivering on consumer understanding and enthusiasm

Social Contacts
Luke Abbott raises some points about the relevance to marketers of the various social networks

All About Perception
Neil Douglas on why marketers should be aware that perception is reality when it comes to brands
Guaranteed Ireland
Failte Ireland’s John Concannon is honoured as this year’s top marketing executive

Google Mania
John Fanning on a book about the phenomenon that is Google and the two young men who pioneered it

Yoof Influence
Colette Henry asks are horizons shrinking for Irish youths and the brands targeted at them?
It starts with a pencil
Shane McGonigle and Julie Crawford told Michael Cullen about how Leo Burnett is shaping up

TV3’s serious intent
Kevin Rafter looks at what TV3 is doing to create a more credible image for itself

Capitalising on news
Hugh Oram spoke with Evening Herald editor Stephen Rae and executive editor Claire Grady

Power of Digital
Nick McGivney spoke to Cybercom boss Jonathan Forrest about the realities of digital