Gloom Rages
Articles Archive

Let’s hear it for advertising
Let's hear it for advertising Harry Leech on why slashing ad spend in hard times is unwise All this talk of global economic recession and doom and gloom is enough to drive a marketer to drink. It calls for a pint of Guinness in Doheny & Nesbitt's or perhaps even an ice-cold bottle of Schlitz, […]

Carrots consumers deserve
Carrots consumers deserve Michael Killeen advocates moving the sales needle to help consumers in these trying times The Irish consumer has been ripped off for the past decade and would appreciate some payback. I'm personally looking for companies to recognise my past loyalty. I want them to appreciate that these tough times are hurting me […]

Chat-up Line
On your marques! Tony Philpott recommends to car marketers that they be more up front when advertising on TV All advertising is a request to its audience to make a purchase. The car ad revealing the vehicle's ability to transcend reality by driving through the space-time continuum to finally park itself sleek, streamlined and shining […]

Getting real in present downturn
Getting real in present downturn Findings from a McCann Erickson survey of 1,000 consumers interviewed online Most consumers blame the Irish government and the country's major banks for the current economic crisis and there is a general consensus that by becoming more materialistic and less prudent during the good times we are now paying the […]

Value Test
Release pleasure engines Kathy O'Meara on whether or not neuroscience can help measure the value of advertising In these darker economic times, it's being loudly whispered that advertising is about to become an endangered species. Or, will the most cunning players evolve, with Darwinian precision, into a new hybrid species to ensure their own survival? […]