'orrible oratory Rowan Manahan on how to really impress an audience when giving a presentation In 1988, the task of nominating and introducing the former Governor of Massachusetts Michael Stanley Dukakis at the Democratic presidential convention fell to one William Jefferson Clinton. His speech was long. Loooooooong. Afterwards, Clinton said he knew he was in […]
Articles Archive
Man of ideas
Man of ideas Michael Cullen interviewed Sharks jury chairman John Hegarty of Bartle Bogle Hegarty Mention the name John Hegarty and some of the best known TV campaigns ever spring to mind. He is the man who gave Levi's gravitas from the time Nick Kamen shocked onlookers in the launderette and a young Brad Pitt […]
Exceedingly good
Exceedingly good John Fanning gives a positive verdict on Barton Kunstler's The Hothouse Effect There always seems to be some magic elixir that 'guarantees' to transform your business. Whether it's total quality management or business process re-engineering, whatever fad it is flourishes for a few years, destroys the odd rain forest with a slew of […]
Is paper dead wood?
Is paper dead wood? Neil O'Gorman on why PR people need to wake up to the way new media is radically changing communications News alert! Message in your inbox! The times they are a changin' – aren't they always? – and this time it is big, it's moving at speed and in a profound way. […]
Extra Broadcasts
Stations in train Hugh Oram on the near frenetic activity on the broadcast licencing front If you think Ireland already has a lot of local radio stations once the plans of the Broadcasting Commission of Ireland (BCI) come to pass, we will soon have others. Radio is set to become more competitive, giving both audiences […]
Pet Hates
Most annoying business Kieran Killeen examines some home truths about client-agency relationships What happens if you leave the lid off the toothpaste in your corporate world? To find out, Gordon Steele, ex-head of marketing at Royal Mail, addressed over 50 agencies at the bi-annual meeting of the Marketing Agencies Association Worldwide (MAA). Steele explored some […]
Creative Licence
Bad taste or a business-like stunt? Colm Carey considers whether or not we should allow shock tactics to have a role in advertising Advertising, like music and wine falls into two categories, good and bad. Everything else is academic. So the world is a simple place. But it all goes wrong because good and bad […]
Stray Thoughts
Scrap summer Breandan O'Broin offers a seasonal miscellany of conversations about advertising. Apparently. Allegedly Little girl “Mummy, I've just seen a doggie in a TV ad” Media mum “Probably an Andrex puppy darling, they're so cute” Little girl “He was rubbing himself up against a man's leg, mummy” Media mum “Probably one of those David […]
Nice Trip
Cannes do for press Emmet Wright on his trip to the south of France where Chemistry won gold for the National Newspapers of Ireland (NNI) Power of Press campaign 4pm, Tuesday, June 20: Mike Garner, creative director, Chemistry, takes a phone call from the Cannes Lions office. They tell him we've won a gold. Mike […]
Special Something
Notable affluence Emma Kelly reports from a recent conference in London on trends in luxury markets Walpole promotes, develops and represents the British luxury industry. The Walpole seminar, headlined Tricks of the Luxury Trade, was held recently in London's RAC Club. Chaired by Lionel Barber, editor of The Financial Times, it focused on marketing trends […]
Two’s Company
Putting it out there Denis Goodbody and Adrian van der Lee on what ten years at Adept has meant to them. Interview: Michael Cullen From an agency which began as a facilitator for other agencies to a business that chases clients in their own right, Adept's evolution over the last decade has been fraught with […]
Some black magic
Some black magic John Fanning on why the author of Marketing Genius did the industry some service As soon as national marketing societies or institutes began about 50 years ago, earnest, bright, well-meaning men, and increasingly women, gave up their time to sit on committees organising lectures, conferences and social and educational events. Along with […]
All about branding
All about branding Damian Devaney found reading John Fanning's new book on branding an enriching experience. About half way through John Fanning's new book The Importance of Being Branded – An Irish Perspective, it became clear to me that I was enjoying the read because it was not selling me a silver bullet. It was […]