Dalata raises €363k for Marie Keating

Hotel group Dalata has raised over €363,000 for the Marie Keating Foundation (MKF) ‘Drive to Defeat Cancer’ campaign in support of its long-term cancer outreach service. The funds helped with the purchase of two new mobile information units and helped to fund five new specialist nurses, bringing the medical team to seven. Every year in Ireland, about 42,000 people are diagnosed with cancer, meaning one in two people are affected in a lifetime.

Dalata and MKF are partnering to raise awareness through fundraising initiatives in support of its community nursing and mobile information units and to help facilitate over 100,000 lifesaving conversations on spotting the early signs of cancer. The mobile units, staffed by specialist nurses, offer free and accessible cancer education and support. Since the launch of ‘Dalata Digs Deep’ in 2016, the group has raised over €1.6 million for charities.


Energy and forecourt retailer Maxol has launched a campaign to raise funds for the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind (IGDB). With each guide and assistance dog costing €53,000 during its training and working lifetime, Maxol’s will raise money through the sale of puppy shaped car air fresheners. Maxol group CEO Brian Donaldson (pictured left) said that he saw the life-changing impact of the trained canines after meeting with a guide dog user.

He saw first-hand how these highly trained and intuitive dogs provide not only confidence but also independence to individuals. “We wanted to  catch our customers’ attention and educate them on the journey a puppy takes to become a guide dog,” Donaldson said. “We’re encouraging consumers to buy either a golden or a black Labrador car air freshener, with all proceeds going directly to IGDB.” The car air freshers are priced at €3.

Pictured on top: Dalata CEO Dermot Crowley and Marie Keating Foundation CEO Liz Yeates

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