Ipsos B&A to host global trends webinar

Research agency Ipsos B&A will host a webinar on global trends and how they are how they are manifesting in Ireland. The presentation, entitled ‘In Search of a New Consensus: From Tension to Intention’, will feature insights by two of the agency’s expert researchers, Davina O’Donoghue and Kieran O’Leary. Before returning to Dublin, O’Donoghue spent 25 years in London where she set up two agencies and sat on the board of two others.

The latter of the two agencies was the UK’s longest-running, independent full-service agency, Ninth Seat. Much of her career has been spent working Unilever, Danone, L’Oreal and Sony Ericsson brands and with such agencies as Ogilvy, Mullen, FCB Inferno and Grey. Clients value her ability to marry emotional human narratives to commercial aims. She has BSc in psychology, an MA in innovation and was named MRS researcher of the year.

She has had articles published in the Financial Times, Vogue and Marketing.ie.  

O’Leary is a quantitative specialist with 25 years’ experience working with brands, government and state bodies in Ireland and the UK. He has been with Ipsos in Dublin since 2005 and has worked in the global public affairs network bringing the best of international work to support Irish clients. After his BA in communication studies and MSc in applied social research, he worked for An Post and Eir before moving agency side in the UK.

He won a Marketing Society grand prix excellence award for exit polling.

Delve into the minds of 50,000 people from 50 markets worldwide to understand human values behind nine key trends – which journey from the power of trust through to retreat to old systems and climate convergence. The speakers will look at how the trends emerge from macro forces that are shaping the world around us, manifest themselves in cultural shifts and express themselves through signals in Ireland, now and in the future.

Not just the signals seen today, but those we can watch out for that show a trend taking hold in Ireland. They will also explore the tensions inherent within the trends: we are more global, yet more introspective; we are more nostalgic, yet more open-minded; and we are more environmental, yet more fatalistic. The event is on between 10am and 11am (45 minutes with 15 minutes for questions and answers) on Tuesday, October 8.

Luke Reaper, CEO, Ipsos B&A Ireland, will introduce the webinar.

To register, go to https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/3ba59827-5811-42cd-8684-c8f260040d7e@1092197f-937b-439b-a403-93295587e186




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