Irish Writers Centre names McLoughlin as CEO

Mags McLoughlin is the new chief executive of the Irish Writers Centre (IWC). McLoughlin’s background is in communications, marketing, sponsorship and business development in Ireland and overseas. Her scope of work has also included change management, resource building, strategy development and funding enhancements. For many years, she has written fiction and holds an MA in creative writing from Queens University in Belfast.

A highly popular person, she was a winner of the Irish Writers Centre Novel Fair.

Her consultancy practice has focused on the non-for-profit sector, including time as interim CEO at Charities Institute Ireland and project management roles for Pieta’s Darkness Into Light, Unicef, Young Social Innovators and social enterprise Lift Ireland. She was a marketing director in Sydney for a financial services group and in account director roles for agencies TBWA and BBDO in Dublin. She started her career in adland at Javelin.


The IWC was founded as a support and development organisation for Irish writers in 1991. The centre carries out its work, online and in-person, on an all-island basis. Its purpose is to encourage and help writers to achieve their dreams and ambitions as part of a vital, bonded community. The IWC supports writers through a programme of events, development opportunities, residencies, mentoring, resources and creative writing courses.

The IWC board is chaired by PR and media training expert Breda Brown.



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