Public House ads offer water safety reminders

A new campaign created by The Public House for Water Safety Ireland reminds users of Ireland’s waters to observe some simple rules while out and about this summer. From the oceans to the lakes and rivers that dot the map, the country offers many ways for people to enjoy themselves around water. But with that gift, comes a need for awareness and knowledge about safety. The new ads encourage people to enjoy the water but to do so safely.

Rather than frighten people with the tragedies that can occur, the campaign called ‘Made Possible By’, highlights the fun and magical moments people can have around water if they are aware of a series of safety measures. Public safety awareness messaging often veers towards scare tactics, but the TPH ads rely on a more positive approach. The strategy aims to make safety second nature for water users up and down the country.

From someone’s first wave to another’s first mackerel, each ad in the series highlights the small, but memorable, everyday snapshots of people enjoying themselves around water, accompanied by a safety rule that allowed it to happen. The campaign runs across press, radio and social around Water Safety Awareness week. The Public House worked to Water Safety Ireland’s deputy CEO and marketing manager, Roger Sweeney.


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