
Speed dating for would-be creatives

Marty Wright at PortfolioLab

The annual speed-dating and networking event for young talent and Ireland’s leading creative directors takes place next Thursday. Portfolio Lab is run by the Institute of Creative Advertising (ICAD) and aims to help emerging talent break into the advertising and design industry by putting their work under the scope of Ireland’s leading creative directors.

It takes place from 6pm to 10pm in 24-28 Tara Street in Dublin and places are limited to 60.

Who is it for? Graduates and final year students of any creative discipline, with an advertising or design portfolio they would like critiqued. These include advertising, animation, design and media technology courses. Why attend? Participants get an audience directly with Ireland’s top creative directors to review their portfolios and gain constructive feedback.

How does it work?

Each participant meets three different creative directors for 20 minutes each to present their portfolio and receive feedback on how to improve work. An etiquette class will also run every hour to uncover the do’s and don’ts of pitching to prospective employees. Hosted by Eoghan Nolan of Brand Artillery, it advises on how to get noticed for the right reasons.

Tickets cost €20.

ICAD was set up to foster and reward creative excellence in Irish advertising and design. Founded in 1958, it is a not-for-profit organisation with a membership of over 300 creative professionals, students and associates. The institute hosts awards, exhibitions, workshops and seminars to raise awareness and importance of creativity among businesses.

Pictured above is Marty Wright, Creatives-at-Large and designer Trish Fox




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