TU students showcase sports interest in Allianz

The students from the class of MSc in advertising and creativity will soon make their industry Ad Grad presentations, answering a brief provided by German insurer Allianz, whose marketing team, headed up by Mark Brennan and Valerie Hedin, and its Dublin-based agency, F&B Dublin, will be looking on with interest. Two student teams, The 98 and Pedro III,  will present their creative ideas and strategies for a major sport sponsorship.

Allianz is a major partner of the GAA with its long-term leagues’ sponsorship.

This year’s theme is ‘Creative Revolution’. Over recent weeks, the teams have been refining their strategy and collecting insights to develop  ideas and executions. TU Dublin is Ireland’s first tech university. Previous graduates have made contributions across areas such as innovation, economic development, culture, and education, both nationally and internationally. The MSc course is designed to equip students with the tools needed to succeed in adland.

The students have developed their skill set through industry-led practice and work placement. The MSc was reformed last year to reflect the changing landscape in adland, with a sharper focus on creative practice and original thinking. The showcase will be held in TU Dublin’s Aungier Street campus in room 5050, starting at 5pm on Thursday, June 6.

For more on #AdGrad24, see their website and socials… link: bit.ly/adgrad2024; link: https://www.instagram.com/adgrad24?igsh=NGM5bnBuemtwbjVo

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