Integrated take on RTE ads

Luke Reaper (pictured left) responds to a critique on a recent recall study for RTÉ

At B&A, we do not normally comment on articles, but feel compelled to do so concerning Ruth Payne’s evaluation of our RTÉ research study in the March issue. In November last year, B&A conducted a piece of primary research for RTÉ on media integration across the RTÉ platforms. The results for ‘The Power of Integration’ were presented in February.

The approach was that of a central location, Lab Test, whereby separate cells of matched respondents were exposed to RTÉ ad content across platforms, with the effectiveness of the advertising measured in terms of cross platform multiplier effect and quality of exposure. All respondents were pre-recruited in advance, with the exposure test conducted at one location.

The breaks around the TV and radio programme content were mid-breaks, while the Player break was pre-roll. The same four ads were inserted into each platform – with four brands, four categories and four creatives. However, the idea was not to test or criticise the creative. It was to investigate the power of integration, with the creative as the vehicle.

They were shown real content to watch/listen to and the research was introduced as media consumption research, not advertising research. There are a few important points to make.

Firstly, the initial figures quoted in the piece regarding uplift in recall were based on one ad.

It would have been more accurate to report on the average recall across all campaigns.

This then delivers very clear findings, that brand cut-through improves significantly as we move from advertising on a single RTÉ platform (55 per cent on average), to dual RTÉ platforms (69 per cent), to all three platforms (79 per cent). It represented an uplift of 44 per cent from respondents exposed to one RTÉ platform, to those exposed to all three platforms.

Another key point that was drilled home when we presented the research to advertiser and agencies was that size was not everything. So yes, of course you achieve more exposure as people see the ads more – and the research indicated how the different platforms performed in this regard – but the power of advertising across RTÉ platforms became most apparent when we analysed the depth and complexity of advertising messages communicated.

As a rule, we found those exposed to an ad on all three RTÉ platforms will absorb a more detailed and nuanced set of advertising messages than those who see or hear the ad on just one or two platforms. Furthermore, different RTÉ media can draw out different elements of the advertising message. We found a 68 per cent uplift in the quality of messaging recall when we moved from one to three RTÉ platforms. These are the study’s real insights.

As Ruth Payne pointed out, the propensity to purchase levels were also encouraging. The impact of advertising on propensity to purchase/use the brand featured strengthened as it appeared on more RTÉ media. It was most pronounced when we analysed the percentages of   those exposed on one platform, who say the ad increased their propensity to purchase by 39 per cent, compared to those exposed to it on all three RTÉ media, up by 44 per cent.

B&A has conducted previous research on the impact of advertising clutter on the quality and quantity of recall. It has been dealt with separately and can be sourced from the RTÉ media team if needed. We just wanted to set the record straight. B&A is delighted to see that the research was welcomed and acknowledged as another key piece of work to advance our collective need to illustrate the effectiveness of advertising spend with RTE.

Luke Reaper is managing director of Behaviour & Attitudes (B&A)



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