Live Art installation in Dublin as part of An Undergrowth Movement
Pictured is an artist (Teck) completing a live art installation of the new Bulmers Berry
Undergrowth Movement outdoor advertising campaign on Terenure Road North, in
Dublin. The live installation of the Bulmers Berry specials which took place in Dublin and
Cork are the first of their kind in Ireland on such a large scale and part of a more extensive
Bulmers Berry ATL campaign which will hit the streets on May 10th.
The Bulmers Berry Undergrowth Movement outdoor campaign will run across outdoor;
Bus sides, isites and ambient and features three concepts: Hair; Tattoo and Vine, all carrying the
strapline, An Undergrowth Movement.
Young Euro RSCG in conjunction with graffiti artists created their interpretation of an undergrowth movement. The exploration and discovery of which is in keeping with the spirit of the campaign.
Orlaith Fortune, Bulmers Marketing Manager, said, “In keeping with the undergrowth nature of the product, Bulmers has opted for an underground theme for the Bulmers Berry outdoor activity. Bulmers Berry is really excited to be teaming up with Secret Wars once again to complete the two live art installations in Dublin. A third live art installation was done in Cork by two other graffiti artists Sums and Maser. The cultural movement has been a great fit with the undergrowth movement that is new Bulmers Berry, rolling out the new outdoor innovation.”
Secret Wars and Monorex, the parent company, collaborated on the two Bulmers Berry Undergrowth Movement launch events in Dublin and Cork when the new cider variant was launched in February 2010. They are continuing to work together on five consumer events in pub locations nationwide through May, as follows:
7th May The Pavilion, Cork
14th May Kelly’s, Galway
15th May Baker Underground, Limerick
21st May Twisted Pepper, Dublin
C&C has gone with live art for a poster site for its new Bulmers Berry cider with a 48 sheet painted by a graffiti artist called ‘Teck’ on Terenure Road North not far from the Irish Daily Star offices.
Bus sides, isites and ambient will features three concepts – Hair, Tattoo and Vine – with the ‘An Undergrowth Movement’ strapline. The campaign was created by Young Euro RSCG.
Promotions in pubs for the Bulmers Berry are planned for May for The Pavilion in Cork; Kelly’s, Galway; Baker Underground, Limerick and Twisted Pepper in Dublin.