DMG Media launches Mum Marketing

DMG Media Ireland has launched its Mum Marketing brand, providing brands with access to Ireland community of mothers. Brands now can connect with 75 per cent of Irish mums across the and Everymum parenting platforms, through display, video, native content, sampling and research channels. DMG commissioned Amárach Research to survey a sample from their extensive database of over 300,000 mums on their platforms.

The survey results highlight insights into the purchasing behaviour and attitudes of Irish mums, emphasising the importance of trust and choice when selecting products and brands. Amárach’s Gerard O’Neill said that the study indicated that Irish mums prefer reputable sites such as and Everymum. They trust receiving product samples in stores or at events. They also place trust in a brand’s own website.

In terms of choice, the brand or company reputation is crucial. The treatment of company employees matters, and corporate sustainability and ethical credentials matter. The ongoing survey will continue to provide insights into the purchasing behaviour and preferences of Irish mums. The launch event, hosted at DMG’s studio on Haddington Road in Ballsbridge, saw representatives from some of the country’s top parenting brands in attendance.

Among the guests were Aine Devlin, Uniphar Ireland, Maura Ashe from UM Ireland, Sarah Murphy, Allegro, Caroline Finnucane from Ocean Healthcare, Caroline Shesgreen from Dentsu, as well as Aideen McGinn and Carol McNally, Waterbabies. Pictured at the launch of Mum Marketing were, from left to right: Rebecca Burrell, Sorcha O’Sullivan and Liz Doyle. Photo: Brian McEvoy.





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