
Packed.House and Boots roll out beauty videos

Packed.House has joined with Mediacom to create a five-part video storytelling series called The Beauty Insider in association with Boots Ireland. The content partnership will focus on driving awareness of the Boots Ireland #NoReally campaign showcasing the most popular beauty brands now available in selected Boots stores and online at Boots.ie.

Irish make-up artists, Mrs Makeup, aka Michelle Regazolli, Aimee Connolly and Paula Callan, feature in the five-part series on Beaut.ie and distributed omni-channel.  The new series features five Beaut.ie readers that have an exciting occasion on the horizon and sees them getting their makeup done by some of the country’s top make-up artists.

Each reader was looking for inspiration, guidance and confidence in achieving a make-up look suitable for their upcoming event. The occasions include a debs, first job, Hallowe’en, a wedding anniversary and a reader who has just become a new mum. The series captures the makeup artists revealing that the products they used are available from Boots.

The full series is at www.beaut.ie/the-beauty-insider.



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