The owners of the Fulfil protein bar claim that this month will mark the sale of its 120 millionth bar, five years after the brand’s first launch of confectionery ‘bars with benefit’ in Ireland. To celebrate the milestone, a new Fulfil ‘out of this world’ chocolate caramel bar has been rolled out in shops nationwide […]
ArchiveApril, 2021
Colm O’Reilly to chair NewsBrands

Business Post chief executive Colm O’Reilly is the new chairman of NewsBrands Ireland, the representative body for Ireland’s national news publishers, print and online. O’Reilly has represented the Post on the NewsBrands’ management committee for the past three years. He has over 25 years experience in business and media in Ireland, the US and UK. […]
Coke Zero leads new look design

Coca-Cola has a new design system which brings its flagship brand, Coke Zero Sugar and Diet Coke together in a single brand which launched worldwide in 2016. The simplified design removes elements such as the red disc, to create consistent trademarks. The Coca-Cola logo moves to the top of the label and colours symbolise the […]
Aoife Murphy to speak about advertising’s role

Boys+Girls executive strategy director Aoife Murphy is the guest speaker for this month’s Marketing Society Future Council interactive discussion on Zoom which will address the question should advertising be informative or entertaining? Both sides of the debate will be aired and guests will get to ask questions and debate the merits of branded entertainment. The […]
O’Flaherty made director of Core Learning

Mark O’Flaherty has been appointed director of Core Learning. He first joined the Core in 2016 as development director focusing on analysing the organisational needs for development and the training needs of new recruits. He will now expand his responsibilities to encompass the learning and CPD needs for Core’s 330 employees across its various practices. […]