New Priorities
Articles Archive

Bridging Gaps
Brian Swords tells Michael Cullen how as president of the Institute of Advertising Practitioners in Ireland (IAPI) he has tried to help agencies win in the new economy

Dining on fame
Kathy O’Meara on the fascination with reality TV and the media’s appetite for salacious gossip

Whole new deal
WPP now has an extra layer to its new media offering with the launch of Neo@Ogilvy. Is it more of the same just rebranded, or will Dave Smyth and his team of

Cinema Re-run
Kathy O’Meara on how part of the Ward Anderson stable acquired Pearl & Dean cinema advertising

More Mainstream
Kevin Rafter on how journalists have had to adapt to the complexities of business reporting

Set to change
Geraldine O’Leary talked to Michael Cullen about her role in RTE as commercial director for television, on why talk about the demise of TV is exaggerated, her concern about today’s business model in the bigger agencies and why content is paramount

Counter Attack
It's been a hard day's night In the first in a series of research profiles, Brendan Beere looks at how the alcohol market has been coping with the economic downturn; results for 2009 but particularly what's ahead for the industry 2009 was a turbulent year for the alcohol industry in Ireland. Actually, that's somewhat of […]

People Power
Crowdsourcing – find or fad? Patrick Meade questions the trend of marketers using people power to generate ideas Since this is magazine and the chances are you're a marketing professional you've probably heard about crowdsourcing. In fact, unless you spent 2009 on sabbatical in Siberia you couldn't really have avoided the concept. Crowdsourcing is […]
United Attack
Jim Donnelly, Miriam Hughes and Gary Brown explain why DDFH&B believes the group approach is the best way of tackling marketing communications. The trio spoke to Michael Cullen about their ethos and how their business has faired in recent times

Absurd Passion
Surrealism has been described as “a love of the absurd”. But how great an influence has the avant-garde movement founded by Andre Breton out of an outrage for those “selling their soul to commerce” by producing ideas “at the behest of money” been on advertising? We asked some adlanders to comment

Deep and meaningful
Colm Carey was at an industry breakfast where he learned that Feargal Quinn dreads accountants