
Core seventh in Best Workplaces

Core is ranked seventh as the best workplace in Ireland for large companies with 251 or more employees in the Great Place to Work 2020. Core, described “as a collective of nine practices, working to a single purpose”, was also officially recognised as one of the best workplaces for women in Ireland – one of only four Irish-owned companies on the list.

Core has been part of the cross-business survey for 11 years.

Britvic Ireland was ranked 11th in the same category, after five years on the list.

Great Place to Work partner Cathal Divilly said trust is the basis for an authentic employers brand. The challenge for talent attraction is driving more clarity on who the company is – the employer brand – and greater clarity on what their unique offering is to the talent market, namely their employee value proposition, Divilly added.

Wolfgang Digital and Exterion Media were eight and tenth respectively in the best small workplaces for companies with 20 to 100 employees. Wolfgang has been on the list for three years and Exterion for seven. Global healthcare group AbbVie topped the large companies category, Cisco the medium category and Esri Ireland the small workplaces.

The criteria for the best places to work includes employee trust in management, pride in the work they do and a high level of camaraderie. Close attention is paid to leaders who build trust in all levels of the business through openness, transparency and honesty. The awards are presented by the Great Place to Work Institute in Ireland body.

Pictured above are Core’s Catherine Fitzgibbon, Orla Moore, Mark McLoughlin, Jane McNamara, Laura Stewart, Conor McCooey and Nicole Grier



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