Dentsu reports contrasts in media trust

Irish adults see major differences in levels of trust across media brands and among age groups, the latest Pulse study by Dentsu Consult shows. Although most people first go to a search engine for information, over two thirds of adults often check this source for accuracy. There are also age differences as to where information is sourced and levels of trust.

After search, YouTube and Reddit are the top places adults under 35 search for information, used by 50 per cent and 39 per cent respectively, while older adults (55 years of age and older) tend to turn to newspapers. Irish news media generally perform very well with RTÉ, The Irish Times and the Irish Independent being the three most trusted sources.

YouTube has the highest level of trust in social media with 49 per cent saying they trust YouTube content, whereas less than one in three Irish adults say that they trust Instagram or Facebook – both on 26 per cent. When it comes to online advertising, YouTube, sponsored articles in newspapers or magazines and search links are the most trusted sources.

Adult trust in media (% agree)

Younger people in Ireland are more likely to trust Spotify and Instagram ads than adults overall. Beyond trust and the advertising environment, Dentsu said they are starting to notice a level of greenwashing fatigue creeping in with 71 per cent of people thinking that too many brands claim sustainable credentials and a high level of cynicism about such claims.

Although Irish adults are most likely to turn to online search to find out information, Irish people do not trust all online information. Over two thirds of people (71 per cent) check information they find in an online search some of the time. Younger adults are far more likely to turn to YouTube or Reddit to stay informed than to either newspapers or magazines.

YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok are less trusted information sources across all age groups, reflecting the difference in required standards for user generated content and proper journalism. However, half of adults under 54  trust information from YouTube, which could mean a large number of people could well be unintentionally misinformed.

Dentsu Consult surveyed 1,000 Irish adults aged 18 and over.

Pictured above is RTÉ Radio 1 current affairs host Claire Byrne   

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