Droga5 rolls out AIB homes campaign

Droga5 Dublin, part of Accenture Song, has launched AIB’s new mortgage campaign, ‘The Questions You Really Care About’. The ads are targeted at first time buyers. The campaign goes on the mortgage journey with first time buyers, with each touchpoint focusing on a different stage. It’s part of AIB’s new brand platform that aims to get customers closer to the life they’re pursuing. AIB Homes is headed up by former Diageo marketer Tom Kinsella.

The campaign was created based on research by AIB, which found that during the process of buying a home, first time buyers need a mortgage experience that gives them the headspace to focus on the questions and considerations that matter most to them. The ads run across out of home (OOH), TV, online and social media, with each channel bringing different parts of the buying journey to life.


On social media, the focus is on questions that first time buyers ask just before they step into a house viewing, from the perspective of doorbell camera footage. The OOH shows house hunters inside a property viewing, highlighting the questions to them as they imagine their lives there. Contextual placements and special builds bring what every first time buyer thinks to life. On YouTube, the campaign looks at the questions first time buyers ask online.

On TV, AIB brings to life a post-viewing moment where a dad considers the opinion of his eight year-old daughter. “We see a lot of mortgage work out there focusing on how banks make the process easier. With this campaign, the focus is on why. The long, difficult, messy road to buying a home. The work is insightful and undeniably human, emotionally connecting the audience with the brand,” Alex Ingarfield, creative director, Droga5 Dublin, said.


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