Pepsi to max out on football promo

Pepsi Max is set to light up Dublin’s Grand Canal Square on the night of Tuesday, May 21 with its branded Hidden Pitch pop-up for football fans. Passers-by will have the opportunity to grab a Pepsi Max football from a specially-made vending machine, unlocking a laser display 2v2 pitch projection onto the street and allowing players to indulge in a non-conventional style of football. It could be a gentle kick about, penalty shootout or an all-in 2v2 match.

With the Uefa Champions League final being played at London’s Wembley Stadium this summer for the first time in 13 years, tournament sponsor Pepsi Max is eager to highlight its ties with the sport. The Hidden Pitch initiative forms part of Pepsi Max’s broader ‘Where There’s a Ball, There’s a Way’ global football campaign focused on the simplicity of the beautiful game: With a ball at your feet, the world is your pitch, regardless of time or place.

Hidden Pitch is open to the public from 9pm to 11pm on Tuesday, May 21.

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