
INM signs up as Guinness Pro12 media partner

As three out of the four Irish provinces look likely to make the final series of the Guinness Pro12, smashing current records, Independent News & Media (INM) has agreed a deal to become the championship media partner. The deal allows INM readers access to the closed ‘Captain’s Runs’ at the Aviva Stadium ahead of the final series.

Readers will also get to see exclusive highlights each week on INM’s rugby show ‘The Left Wing’ and the opportunity to win exclusive prizes to the finals. After the championship, INM will present the 2017 ‘Try of the Year’ at the Guinness Pro12 awards; hold video interviews with each winner, along with other opportunities to engage with fans and players alike.

The Irish Independent has an average daily readership of 283,000, the Sunday Independent has a reach of 406,000 readers and Independent.ie news site has an average audience of 228,000. Videos for The Left Wing rugby show, hosted by former Leinster and Ireland international winger Luke Fitzgerald, have reached over 1.5M people on Facebook.

The Guinness Pro12 final takes at the Aviva Stadium on Saturday, May 27

Pictured: Luke Fitzgerald, Martin Anayi, Pro12, Geoff Lyons, INM and Dermot Rigley, Pro12



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