A survey of almost 2,400 parents in Ireland shows that 62 per cent are concerned about the long-term economic challenges to employment, with four in 10 of working families concerned about their income and job security – understandable as 43 per cent have seen a reduction in their household income as a direct result of […]
Stokes and Perrin new hires at Boys+Girls

Creative agency Boys+Girls has announced two new appointments. Jessica Stokes (top left) joins as senior account manager to work on the Ulster Bank account, while art director Zoe Perrin will work across various agency accounts. Boys+Girls recently unveiled its new entertainment approach to create ground-breaking work […]
Fitzmaurice and Markey win IAPI bursaries

Eimear Fitzmaurice, strategy director, JWT Folk and Ciara Markey, business director, Mediaworks are the two winners of the Institute of Advertising Practitioners in Ireland (IAPI) Female Futures Fund (FFF) executive coaching bursary. The bursary is an IAPI initiative to improve the gender balance by honouring women candidates considered to be of high potential in Ireland’s […]
Expert bucks trend with new TV ad

In an environment where even big brands are slashing ad budgets, first time TV advertiser Expert Electrical has turned around a live-action TV ad in just days. Under Covid-19 rules, Expert, which represents 67 owner-operated retailers across Ireland, is operating online and phone deliveries, a message it has been keen to share with consumers. The […]
Core says most people want 2km limit extended

People are preparing themselves to adapt to a new approach in every aspect of life and with that in mind, Core Research has asked the public to suggest when they would be comfortable with specific areas of life re-opening. When asking, we added that each restriction lift or adaptation would continue to adhere to physical […]
HSE Covid-19 ads top BrandShout list

The Government’s HSE Covid-19 campaign devised by TBWA\Dublin and Core topped the BrandShout list of most recalled ads by Irish consumers in April, the latest research conducted by Ipsos MRBI for Marketing.ie indicates. The Covid-19 ads, which have been running across all media since the virus outbreak, moved up 18 league places in a month. […]
ASAI complaints up by 10 per cent

A total of 1,858 written complaints about 1,360 ads were received from members of the public by the Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland (ASAI) last year, the body’s 2019 annual report shows. It represents a 10 per cent rise on the number of complaints received in 2018, while the number of campaigns complained about were […]
Energia AIL awards to be streamed live

With the Covid-19 lockdown, the 2019/20 Energia All Ireland League season ended in March. The season may not have been completed but the players, clubs, volunteers and fans aim to celebrate what was an exciting few months of domestic rugby. For the first time in history, this year’s annual Energia All Ireland League Rugby Awards […]
Facebook and Core to provide advice webinar

Facebook Ireland and Core have teamed up to provide Irish SMEs with a free series of weekly webinar sessions on online training and support. ‘Getting to know your online customers’ is aimed at helping businesses reach, connect and engage with customers online with expert practical advice on what people are doing online and how best […]
Irish shoppers spent hugely on Easter groceries

Irish shoppers spent €371 million on groceries during the week ending April 12, the highest sales week of the year so far and an increase of 14 per cent compared to the same week ending on Easter Sunday in 2019, data from Nielsen indicates. Moreover, sales of alcohol reached €49.3m, an increase of 44 per […]
DMG to run €1m ad campaign for SMEs

DMG Media Ireland has launched a €1 million advertising fund for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) hit by the fall-out from the Covid-19 pandemic. The fund, ‘DMG Media Shop Ireland’, is the largest private-sector support to small firms and it will provide 200 small businesses with an advertising package worth €5,000 each. It is targeted […]
Gavin James fronts Bonfire’s Alone campaign

Alone, the organisation which supports older people, have teamed up with Gavin James and ad agency Bonfire to release the ‘Now more than ever’ campaign, a series of short videos on loneliness featuring Gavin James’s music, which call on members of the public to stay in touch with the older people they know who may […]
An Post/IAPI Direct Challenge postponed

An Post and IAPI have made the decision to postpone the Direct Challenge until next year. IAPI CEO Charley Stoney said that while it was a pity, it was the right call to make. A key goal of the Direct Challenge is to send some of Ireland’s best creative talent to experience the full week […]