Four campaigns devised by Wilson Hartnell are in the running for the Sabres, regarded as the world’s top PR awards programme, which recognise achievement in strategic planning, creativity and business results in North America, EMEA, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, South Asia and Africa and delivered by Provoke, previously the The Holmes Report. Out of more than […]
Grocery sales slowdown shows less stockpiling

Grocery sales in Ireland slowed during the week ending March 22, down by 6.8 per cent compared to the previous week though still up 19 per cent compared to the same time last year with alcohol being the only category to experience growth, Nielsen reports. Alcohol sales surged to €35.8 million as Irish people celebrated […]
NDC rolls out ads pointing to trust in Irish dairy

The National Dairy Council (NDC) has a new national TV and radio campaign celebrating the reliability and trust in Irish dairy. As Covid-19 creates huge uncertainty, one thing Irish consumers can continue to rely on is fresh high quality Irish food, thanks to the hard working farmers of Ireland. The campaign was created by TBWA\Dublin […]
20 Questions with Sarah Deeny
Sarah Deeny is client service director at In the Company of Huskies. She first fell in love with advertising as an AE in O’Connor O’Sullivan and now has over 20 years’ experience in agencies such as Arks, Cawley Nea\TBWA and BBDO Dublin. Her clients down the years have included Guinness, Heinz, HSE, IDA and, more […]
Fun ideas for kids during Covid-19

Not sure what to do with the kids these days? Well, for starters, don’t worry. As a parent, you’re your child’s first teacher. Your home is a place where lots of learning is happening every day. The National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) says a parent’s most important job when it comers to a child’s learning […]
Renault and Axa in drive to help medics

Insurance company Axa and Renault, along with its dealer network, have combined to provide complimentary Renault cars complete with free Axa motor insurance cover for the next two months for doctors and nurses returning from overseas to support the HSE during the Covid-19 crisis. The initiative is supported by an ad campaign created by Publicis. […]
Troubled but happy to share a laugh

Geraldine Walsh wrote a really good article for this week’s Health+Family section in The Irish Times. Entitled ‘Comedy and mental health: It’s like low-calorie therapy’, the article explored how some stand-ups believe finding humour in dark places can be good for people’s wellbeing. Walsh began her article with a quote from Irish stand-up Therese Cahill. […]
MCCP study shows Covid-19 must be about ‘we’

The current Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic is less about ‘me’ and more about ‘we’ as marketers try to understand consumers’ current fears, changing behaviours and evolving needs in an effort to know how brands and businesses may react, a ‘Coming Together’ study conducted by MCCP with a broad mix of age groups and family types indicates. […]
Virgin to show over 12 hours of Liverpool games

Virgin Media Sport will broadcast over 12 hours of Liverpool action in Europe this weekend. Coverage kicks off on Friday at 8pm with every Liverpool goal from the 2018/19 Champions League campaign, followed at 9pm with a look back at the club’s quarter final against Porto. Then at 10pm, there’s the Reds’ semi-final win over […]
Cox predicts ad spend to fall by almost a third

Irish advertising faces severe difficulties due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the crisis is expected to see spend this year fall by 30 per cent, Core has warned. In a statement made by the company ‘s chief executive Alan Cox (above), the contraction equates to over €300 million in lost revenues, all of which will […]’s logo points to social distancing

The website for the ups and downs of pregnancy, parenting and family life has updated its logo to remind parents all over Ireland to stay apart in order to pull together during the Covid-19 pandemic. The site has expanded the distance between the Roller and Coaster in their name to reflect the social distancing […]
JCDecaux thanks frontline workers

As Ireland comes to grips with current travel, social and work restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic, JCDecaux Ireland’s digital out of home (DOOH) network is currently showcasing messages of gratitude to Ireland’s healthcare workers, retailers and postal and delivery workers with various sites hosting the ads as a way of saying ‘thank you’. Pat […]
Field takes over at Marketing Institute

David Field has been appointed as the interim chief executive of the Marketing Institute in place of Tom Trainor who stepped down from the role recently to pursue other interests. Field, who has until recently served as chairman of the institute’s board, had already stepped down from that position with Amárach Research’s Gerard O’Neill filling the […]