The HSE’s #ItsInOurHands, RTE 2FM’s #CreateDontContaminate and An Post’s call-to-action around #WriteNow are among the top campaigns that gained strong traction on social media during the Covid-19 coronavirus crisis, as social media remains a key communication for brands, organisations and governments through the current emergency. In an analysis by Sprout Social, the three hashtags had […]
Pluto runs consent campaign for DRCC

Event and content creation agency Pluto is again supporting the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre (DRCC) by partnering with them in a campaign called #100Consent. Pluto identified popular social media app Tiktok and 20 of the most influential apps used in Ireland users as the best vehicle to reach the most critical demographic and support consent […]
46 execs sign up to PRII Covid-19 call

During one of the most difficult weeks ever experienced by PR and communications professionals as they take care of the needs of their employers and clients while scrabbling to set up spaces to work from home, the Public Relations Institute of Ireland (PRII) put out a call for volunteers. Not ideal timing, but a most […]
Horgan to speak at Network Ireland webinar

The latest edition of a newly launched series of free live webinars by Network Ireland Cork will focus on engaging key audiences in the ‘new normal’. Rolled out to support businesses during the Covid-19 crisis, the seminar features Susie Horgan, managing director of Cork agency Springboard PR & Marketing, from 8pm to 9pm on Wednesday, […]
One in eight damage homes doing DIY

Just under 13 per cent of Irish homeowners have managed to do some sort of damage to their property while attempting DIY, a home insurance survey by the AA shows. With many people taking advantage of the time at home during the Covid-19 crisis to carry out some DIY work, the AA is urging people […]
Disney+ gets launch ads out on posters

Disney’s long-awaited streaming service has arrived in Ireland. Building hype pre and post launch, out of home sites were awash with Disney+ messaging with a combination of traditional and digital formats hosting the campaign. The new platform has over 500 films and thousands of TV series from Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars and National Geographic. […]
Covid-19 crisis sees big jump in TV audiences

Ninety per cent of adults watched ‘TV yesterday’, one third more than subscription TV, GroupM Ireland reports. With the rise in isolation as the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic intensifies, AV formats increased as people look to keep up with the latest news or win respite from developments as the crisis develops by keeping themselves entertained. Subscription […]
Humour can help lessen upset around Covid-19

Over the course of the coming weeks – and perhaps months – will offer some humour by publishing a selection of jokes each Friday to help lift people’s spirits during the Covid-19 pandemic. Some of the gags are taken from the Heard It Say (Gregmar Books) collection of one-liners, celebrity quotes and cartoons reflecting […]
Hand sanitiser sales skyrocket, Nielsen reports

Grocery sales in Ireland rose by 23 per cent when compared with the same time last year and by 16 per cent when compared to the previous week, the latest Nielsen data for week ending March 15 shows. The rise is attributed to more stockpiling during Covid-19, as shoppers shift their grocery buying from pantry […]
Agencies busy on getting Covid-19 messages out

As HSE’s media agency, Spark Foundry has had a major focus on the Covid-19 coronavirus campaign in recent weeks in a bid to reassure Irish people feeling a little helpless about what they can do. As the agency’s deputy MD Helen O’Rourke says, events and campaigns like this do not come around very often, sometimes […]
Deadline for An Post Direct Challenge extended

With the spread of the Covid-19 virus, recent weeks have brought upheaval on an extraordinary scale. Everyone is trying to come to terms with spending a lot more time indoors. While it is right that so many sporting and cultural events have been cancelled or postponed, it means there are fewer distractions to help people […]
IRS+ goes with new ‘Local is Loud!’ message

‘Local is Loud!’ That is the new positioning for local radio evangelists at IRS+. It is a message that has never been more powerful than the current health crisis Ireland and the rest of the world is experiencing. When issues of concern affect the nation – whether it be the weather, politics or health events […]
IPG Mediabrands reports on C-19’s brands impact

Over the coming weeks and months as the economic and behavioural impact of Covid-19 makes itself known in a ‘new normal’ of continual, rapid change, IPG Mediabrands Ireland, with its agencies Initiative and UM, led by Eamon Fitzpatrick (pictured), will report and interpret data affecting brands and society in Ireland and overseas. Fitzpatrick said his […]